Creating React Project + Fetch Data From REST API


VS Code as IDE:

Creating a ReactJS Project

cmd command: 
npx create-react-app fetch-data-from-rest

It creates the app that easy, wait a little bit and when it's done:
cd fetch-data-from-rest
npm start

React app will run, react default page will open. 

To use Visual Studio Code as IDE, open a cmd, go to app directory, type:
code .
(you can use "npm start" in the Visual Studio Code's terminal)

App.js will be look like this:

I changed the code like this:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import './App.css'

//Consider render() method like main() method, so this class will be executed with export default
export default class FetchData extends React.Component {
  state = { //the object that we use it store data and check if it's done with loading
    loading: true,
    jsondata: null

  async componentDidMount() { //it's being invoked when a component mounted. to use await, i did async
    const url = '';
    const response = await fetch(url);
    const data = await response.json();
    //console.log(data); //With this, I found the array in data.memes. That's why setState-jsondata is like:
    this.setState({ //when setState worked, render will be invoked again
      loading: false,

  render() {
    if (this.state.loading) {
      return (<div>Loading</div>);

    if (!this.state.jsondata) {
      return (<div>No Data</div>);

    return (
      <div className="App">
        <ul className="meme-list">
          { => ( //map() works like array loop in here
              <h1 className="meme-head">{}</h1>
              <img className="meme-img" src={meme.url} />
              <hr />

Added some comment line but I'm gonna give more details if I can (probably not -_-')
